
FishGraph 2.0.3

FishGraph is a set of R functions that generates diagnostics and data visualizations from stock assessment model output. These functions are designed to process model output from the Beaufort Assessment Model (BAM). Further information on the details of the BAM can be found in (Williams and Shertzer 2015)


Fish Graph is dependent on the package compResiduals and TMB for calculations of the One Step Ahead (OSA) residuals of the composition data. To install this package

remotes::install_github("fishfollower/compResidual/compResidual", force=TRUE)

more information can be found at:

The FishGraph package can be installed using the install_github() function from the devtools library.

# To install the devtools package

# Load library and install directly from the repo.

Alternatively, the package can be installed locally from the repository source files.

install.packages("C://Location of files//FishGraph_2.0.3.tar.gz, 
                 repos = NULL, type="source")


Once installed the package offers a series of functions for model diagnostics and evaluations. A full list of available functions can be obtained using:

ls(pos = "package:FishGraph")

Update notes

Recent updates to FishGraph 2.0 functions:

FishGraph 2.0.3 includes several updated functions. Additionally, version 2.0.3 includes four new functions: Cohort.plots, Phase.plots, Parm.plots, and Bound.vec.plots. All functions can be tested using the included data set data(gag) which is distributed with the package.

A comprehensive description of all included functions and examples of their graphical output is available in NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-SEFSC-684

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